Mark Anderson is a Natural Horseman

Mark Anderson is a Natural Horseman.

He is a Horse Whisperer, a Horse Healer, and knows and uses the 'Old School horsemanship'.

It is a pleasure to watch Mark with horses as they calm right down and do as he asks voluntarily. This gentleness and trust is created in seconds as he meets horses. His instinct for a horse is amazing and a rare talent these days.

Naturally, our horses are our family and have all of our love, and because of this they really try hard to race for us willingly. It is a pleasure and an honour to watch this bond and love reciprocated.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Horse Racing ZERO RECOVERY Video

Our video on our youtube channel of our Race Horse being patched after a race to give him zero recovery

You can buy the patches at

We use the IceWave patches (pain patches) to give our boy fast recovery for his comfort. Why not when he is far happier with them and with himself when he is patched after a race? I know I would be happier if I could have this technology to remove discomfort from muscles worked extra hard, for extra extending, and for extra athletic performance.

So how did we know it works? Trials on ourselves. Sure the videos show it and explain it but you KNOW it works when you can consistantly use it on yourself and others and watch as their pain goes instantly, or their swelling goes down dramatically in minutes.

Louise gets a sore back when she gardens. Especially in the vege garden. She can garden for an hour and then have a dull painful sore lower back around the sacrum. By applying the pain patches, the pain INSTANTLY goes (i.e. in 1 second) and she can happily continue gardening for another 3-4 hours without any pain, and with full mobility, and that wonderful result continues for the rest of the day, throughout the night and she wakes up with no affects from the gardening whatsoever! Amazing!

A young 17 year old jockey with back injuries, - the same thing happens for him with work that aggrevates his old injury. Placement of the IceWave Pain Relief patches and the pain goes in 1 second and he gets full relief, full mobility and the effect stays!

How does this work you are thinking? Well, we dont know exactly, but it appears to clear the meridian lines where the injury is or near the injury, or appears to clear the inflammation which is the pain. One more example......

Our 60 year old friend (lady fit without ANY fat, and only muscle and sinew) came to our home with an extremely swollen knee - swollen half the size of a basketball - huge on anyone but massive on her small frame and body size. Mark patched her with two pain patches (1 set of a white one and a tan one as per normal use), and immediately her pain went to zero (two weeks in hosiptal had NOT achieved that already), but what happened next really excited us - for the next 10 minutes there was no change except for no pain and she could walk on it again normally (excepting awkwardness for the size of it), but from 10-20 minutes from patching the swelling reduced down by 95%. MASSIVE. Within 21 minutes from arriving at our house with a huge swollen knee she could not walk on with excruiating pain, she was pain free, full mobility, and virtually no swelling!!!!

Now if the IceWave patches can do that - then they are going to do the same massive healing on our horses and we have proved that his recovery from racing goes from 3 days down to 'could race the next day' health.

Now we have a happy horse and a happy horse trainer!!

If you want more examples of how these patches can help healing in animals then go to

Or go to to get your pain patches today. Contact us if you wish to know how to use these patches - our email address is on that website.

Live Long and Prosper, Mark and Louise

Friday, November 27, 2009

Horse Health

This blog will have lots of information about natural horse health coming so request for RSS feed and stay updated.